Main technical parameters
1. 用途:銅線、鋼絲、纏繞用
1. Application:winding the copper wire,steelwire
2. 適用芯線:3-15mm
2. Suitable for core wire: 3-15mm
3. 適用鋼絲:0. 2-2mm
3. Suitable for copper wire: 0. 2-2mm
4. 纏繞絞距:PLC無極調節50-350mm
4. Winding lay length: 8. 50mm-40mm
5. 動力:53千瓦,變頻調速
5. Power: 53KW frequency conversion speed regulation
6. 回轉速:500rpm
7. Rotate speed: 800rpm (The highest speed in the Asia)
7. 電源供應:三相380V, 50HZ
8. Power supply: 3 phase 380V 50Hz
Machine composition:
1. 放線部分(芯線線盤)
1. Placing-out part (core wire disc)
A: 適用線盤
A: Suitable for the wire bobbin
1. 芯線盤:1000x750x80mm
1. Core wire bobbin: 1000x750x80mm
2. 鋼絲線盤: (配合現品)
2. Copper wire bobbin: (Cooperate with existing product)
B: 放線張力:機械式無級可調
B: Pay off tension: Mechanical stepless adjustable
C: 鋼絲頭:客戶指定
C: Copper wire head: Customer-specified
2. 收線部分
2. Take up part
A: 適用線盤(常規)1250x950x120mm
A: Suitable for wire bobbin: 1250x950x120mm
B: 收線張力:差速式無級可調
B: Take up tension: Mechanical stepless adjustable
C: 排線形式:往復(雙向)導軌排線
C: Traverse type: (double direction)Guide wire
Electrical equipment control part
1. PLC控制,觸摸屏操作顯示
1. PLC control,touch screen operation display
2. 絞距,在線無極調節
2. Stranded distance,on-line infinite adjustment
3. 斷線米數到位報警自動停機
3. When the meter of broken wire is in place,the alarm will stop automatically.
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